
MQV at the DPG spring conferences 2025

This year, Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) was once again represented with booths at the spring conferences of the German Physical Society (DPG) of the sections Atoms, Molecules, Quantum Optics and Photonics (SAMOP) and Condensed Matter (SKM).

"MQV-Einblicke": Looking inside a quantum optics laboratory

This week, the first regular event in the series “MQV Einblicke – 100 Jahre Quantenwissenschaften und woran wir heute forschen” took place at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ). During an introductory lecture and subsequent tour of the quantum optical laboratories at MPQ, the extremely interested audience gained insights into quantum simulation and quantum computing with neutral atoms.

Arnold Sommerfeld School on "Quantum Computing – Status and Prospects"

MQV members are co-organizing this year's summer school on on "Quantum Computing – Status and Prospects" of the Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics at LMU Munich, 6–10 October 2025.

"100 Jahre Quantenphysik – und das ist erst der Anfang": Successful start to the "MQV-Einblicke" event series

On Wednesday, Prof Rainer Blatt opened the series of events "MQV Einblicke – 100 Jahre Quantenwissenschaften und woran wir heute forschen" in the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025 with his lecture "100 Jahre Quantenphysik – und das ist erst der Anfang" in the packed plenary hall of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities.


22,222 visitors to the PhotonLab

For 13 years, the PhotonLab, the student laboratory at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, has been welcoming everyone who wants to learn about lasers, light and quantum physics. As of this Friday, a total of 22,222 students have visited the PhotonLab to experiment together.

Munich Quantum Valley at Quantum Effects

Once again, Munich Quantum Valley was present at the Quantum Effects trade fair in Stuttgart.

Munich Quantum Valley at the IEEE Quantum Week 2024

From 15 to 20 September 2024, the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE) took place in Montreal. This year, Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) was represented with a stand in addition to numerous contributions.

Quantum dreams and spaces for the future

MQV is a partner in the joint project Quanten(t)räume – a play of German word quantum spaces and quatum dreams – funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Starting next Tuesday, the project will offer regular opportunities to find out about the state of research in the field of quantum technologies, ask questions to the experts and contribute your own ideas for useful applications.

Munich Quantum Valley at the March Conferences 2024

At no less than three conferences in three weeks, Munich Quantum Valley welcomed interested visitors to its booths this March. At the March Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) in Minneapolis and at the Spring Meetings of the German Physical Society (DPG) in Freiburg and Berlin, MQV was presenting Bavarian quantum research.

New project: Quantum Physics for All!

GALaQSci uses augmented reality and artificial intelligence to make the quantum world accessible in a playful way.

Munich Quantum Valley at Quantum Effects and EQTC

The trade fair season is slowly coming to an end, but also in October Munich Quantum Valley was present at two events in Germany.

Successful closure of the Quantum Future Academy 2023 in Munich and Berlin

The Quantum Future Academy (QFA) brings together young talents in the field of quantum technologies. The first part of the binational event took place in Israel in February. The second week-long academy in Germany concluded this year's program this past week.

Smoking heads, cool experiments: the MQV Girls'Day

Ten female students aged 14 to 16 took part in Munich Quantum Valley's Girls'Day event. At the Walther Meissner Institute of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, they were able to learn about the profession of (quantum) scientist through a diverse program.