In a unique holistic approach, Munich Quantum Valley follows a "full-stack" quantum-computer model implementing cutting edge research results of quantum information science. Multidisciplinary consortia developing all layers of a quantum computer, from hard- and software up to applications, create maximum synergy.
The hardware-layer of quantum computers is given by a platform which provides qubits and gates to create superpositions and entangled states necessary for the quantum advantage over classical computers. Different realizations of qubit systems each have their distinct advantages and might be better suited for specific applications. For this reason, MQV consortia span three of the most promising technology platforms: the Superconducting Qubit Quantum Computer (SQQC) consortium deals with qubits based on superconducting circuits, while the Trapped-Atom Quantum Computer (TAQC) consortium implements a platform with trapped neutral-atoms. In addition, a platform based on trapped ions will be investigated within MQV. The Hardware Adapted Theory (HAT) consortium supports the experimental efforts by providing strategies to optimize the performance of all three technology platforms.
To manage all the hardware components, a layer of classical control, including fast microelectronic devices, is essential. For the desired industrialization of quantum computers, it is important to work on the necessary micro-architecture already at an early stage. The Scalable Hardware & Systems Engineering (SHARE) consortium addresses these challenges for all three technology platforms. System software needed to access the quantum systems is developed by the Quantum Development Environment, System Software & Integration (Q-DESSI) consortium. As on the hardware layer, the Hardware Adapted Theory (HAT) consortium provides support in performance optimization.
Comprehensive software development is necessary, including system software, a suitable programming environment as well as user-facing tools. These challenges are addressed by the Quantum Development Environment, System Software & Integration (Q-DESSI) consortium which is also particularly concerned with developing techniques to link quantum computers with today’s high-performance computers. Theoretical guidance is provided by the Theoretical Quantum Computing (THEQUCO) consortium which is charged with tasks ranging from answering open questions in fundamental quantum information theory up to the development of quantum algorithms.
Identifying use-cases for research and industry, such as the simulation of chemical systems or complex optimization tasks, is one goal of the Quantum Algorithms for Application, Cloud & Industry (QACI) consortium. It further aims at making quantum computing accessible to end users by providing the necessary tools and services, such as a cloud-computing infrastructure.
The Superconducting Qubit Quantum Computer (SQQC) consortium will advance materials and fabrication methods for superconducting quantum processors, optimize processor designs and develop high-fidelity qubit control and readout schemes to improve the performance of quantum processors.
The SQQC consortium will put a focus on novel types of superconducting qubits with performance superior to typically used transmon-type qubits to overcome the hurdle of low-anharmonicity and subsequent cross-talk and leakage.
The system will be optimized for at least 24 qubits with the potential for scaling up to larger numbers. With the planned integration into an high-performance computing environment, the SQQC consortium will be able to run fast and efficient NISQ-type quantum algorithms, and make the quantum processor available also for external users.
Neutral atoms are a promising candidate for the realization of quantum computers with a clear perspective of scaling into a regime where first industry-relevant applications await. The Trapped-Atom Quantum Computing (TAQC) consortium will develop a platform that combines the scalability and homogeneity of optical-lattice qubit registers with fast two-qubit gates using highly excited Rydberg states in neutral strontium atoms. In addition, the TAQC consortium will explore alternative qubit realizations, quantum-enhanced metrology and analog quantum computation with neutral atoms, and by that pave the way for neutral atoms to create a quantum advantage for multiple applications.
The Theoretical Quantum Computing (THEQUCO) consortium aspires to establish new concepts for digital and analog quantum computing, to build new algorithms with quantum advantage, to develop tools for the verification, benchmarking and certification of quantum computers, and to design strategies to mitigate and correct errors.
In addition to mostly platform-independent research, algorithms and protocols will also be specifically adapted to the different quantum-computing implementations pursued with MQV.
The Quantum Development Environment, System Software & Integration (Q-DESSI) consortium is dedicated to the creation of a Munich Quantum Software Stack, a technology-independent software environment enabling both quantum and hybrid applications. It includes programming and runtime environments with optimized compilers, runtime systems and tools, the system software needed to control, access and operate quantum systems and the software to integrate them into existing computing structures as part of the larger high-performance computing (HPC) ecosystem. The work inside the Q-DESSI consortium builds on the hardware work in the technology consortia within the MQV and partner projects, provides the necessary cross-technology abstraction layer as well as services to the application and library layers to the user community.
The Scalable Hardware & Systems Engineering (SHARE) consortium will focus on scalable hardware and systems engineering to develop qubit devices and system solutions for superconducting and trapped-atom quantum-computer platforms. In order to increase the capacity and performance of qubit platforms, the SHARE consortium will contribute on different levels of the quantum-computing stack. This includes technology and manufacturing, development of electronic components and systems for the quantum-computing architecture as well as real-time signal processing, control and pulse generation.
The Quantum Algorithms for Application, Cloud & Industry (QACI) consortium pursuits three main goals:
First, to develop quantum algorithms for complex industry use-cases, find the most suitable hardware platform for the particular use-case, optimize these algorithms with respect to criteria relevant to the user and provide an estimate for scope and time scale of the expected quantum advantage.
Second, to build an open-source ecosystem of easy-to-use high-level application libraries as well as tools and processes to enable easy and effective development, benchmark and verification of quantum applications also for non-specialists.
Finally, to provide user support, training and most importantly easy access to quantum-computing hardware and simulators.
The Hardware Adapted Theory (HAT) consortium will help to make best use of the planned hardware generations within MQV. It will also contribute to the hardware development itself by providing numerical modeling of hardware components and by developing tools to characterize the hardware and its errors. The consortium will develop hardware-adapted quantum control strategies and quantum error-correction protocols to optimize the fidelity and robustness of experimental quantum operations in the presence of noise and experimental imperfections and constraints. These approaches need to be scalable to medium-sized qubit registers. The HAT consortium thus provides theory support and strategies to maximize the performance of the hardware platforms developed within MQV.
QST-EB educates the next generation of researchers and users of quantum technology and quantum computing in Bavaria, both at the level of Master's students as well as doctoral candidates. Equally, it reaches out to the public for a general awareness about Quantum Science and Technology.
The QTPE consortium will create a Quantum Technology Park as well as a Quantum Entrepreneurship Centre. With these measures it will create a leading ecosystem for quantum research in Bavaria with an infrastructure that supports state-of-the-art research with an entrepreneurial pipeline.