This year, Munich Quantum Valley is once again taking part in Girls'Day and, together with the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, is giving a group of girls the opportunity to get to know careers in IT or physics and to find out about the tasks of a data center and its contribution to the development of quantum computing.
Are you interested in quantum physics but can't find a good way to get started? Then the PhotonLab cordially invites you to join them in their student lab!
MQV Member Jens Eisert is inviting to Berlin for the 2025 edition of Quantum Computing Theory in Practice (QCTiP).
"Quatschen über Quanten & Co" is a three day science communication training for young scientists in the field of quantum technologies. The event is part of the joint project Quanten(t)räume and hosted at the Deutsches Museum.
How could quantum computers make our society more sustainable? And what technological challenges do we still need to overcome to make quantum computers stable and reliable? Answers to these exciting questions and a guided tour through a real quantum computer lab will be given by researchers from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität on 29 April 2025.
Two-day workshop for Ph.D.s and postdocs to transform quantum research into commercial applications.
Are you interested in quantum physics but can't find a good way to get started? Then the PhotonLab cordially invites you to join them in their student lab!
This year, we are collaborating with the Pint of Science festival to bring quantum science and technology to a local Munich pub.
How do you control the qubits of a superconducting quantum computer – which like it freezing cold at around -273 degrees Celsius – without disturbing these sensitive computing units? And how do you generate these freezing temperatures? All this and more, you can find out on 26 May 2025 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Microsystems and Solid State Technologies.
More information coming soon
From 24 to 27 June 2025, Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) will be taking part in the World of Quantum at Messe München.
More information coming soon
What does a quantum optics lab look like from the inside, and how do you capture single atoms with lasers? How researchers achieve this and how they use it to investigate exciting phenomena in chemistry or materials science, you can find out on 19 March 2025 at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics.
Are you interested in quantum physics but can't find a good way to get started? Then the PhotonLab cordially invites you to join them in their student lab!
On 22 and 23 February, Munich Quantum Valley will take part in the Quantum Weekend at the Deutsches Museum. Explore the fascinating world of quantum physics, learn about quantum technologies and their relevance for society, and celebrate with us the 2025 International Year of Quantum!
Are you interested in quantum physics but can't find a good way to get started? Then the PhotonLab cordially invites you to join them in their student lab!
On 19 February 2025, Prof. Dr. Rainer Blatt will take you on an exciting journey from the beginnings of quantum mechanics to its latest applications. The public lecture at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities will be the opening of our event series “MQV-Einblicke”.
Are you interested in quantum physics but can't find a good way to get started? Then the PhotonLab cordially invites you to join them in their student lab!
Immerse yourself in the world of quantum physics and discover innovative materials and experiments for your classes!
The Future of Computing Conference is a one-day computing conference in Munich. The event on 11 December features start-up pitches, industry keynotes and network with experts. It is co-organized by the Venture Lab Quantum (VLQ), which drives the entrepreneurial efforts within Munich Quantum Valley.
TU München - Entrepreneurship Research Institute (ERI)
PushQuantum, the Munich-based student initiative is organizing a Hackaton on the last weekend this November to connect students and companies through interesting challenges.
Two-day workshop for Ph.D.s and postdocs to transform quantum research into commercial applications.
We will be present at this year's International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC24) in Atlanta, GA.
From 12 to 15 November Munich Quantum Valley will be part of the World of Quantum booth at electronica.
This symposium, organized by Munich Quantum Valley and supported by QUTAC and Bayern Innovativ, will bring together academia and industry working on applications of quantum computing with hardware and software developers. Researchers and companies from the Bavarian quantum ecosystem will be joined by internationally leading experts to assess the current state of the art and identify the most promising near-term applications.
Co-organized by MQV members at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, this workshop is aimed at researchers interested in using classical machine learning and AI techniques to advance the development of quantum technologies.
We will be part of the Quantum Effects at Messe Stuttgart.
What are quantum computers? What physical principles are they based on? And what can they be used for? In an evening lecture at Altes Stadttheater in Eichstätt, Prof. Jeanette Lorenz will talk about the basics of quantum computers, the current state of development and potential areas of application.
On 3 October, Munich Quantum Valley will once again participate in a campus-wide open house at the Garching Research Campus – this year in collaboration with and located at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ).
Also in 2024, Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) will have a strong presence at the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE) – also known as IEEE Quantum Week! With over 60 contributions (technical presentations, posters, workshops, tutorials, and more) MQV is covering the entire spectrum of quantum computing research: From applications over software to corresponding hardware!
MQV's TUM Venture Lab Quantum invites to the Ammersee Venture School, a three-day summer school that connects participants with like-minded enthusiasts and equips them with the knowledge and skills to establish a research-based start-up.
MPI of Quantum Optics | Herbert Walther Lecture Hall
Join the Munich Quantum Alumni networking meet-up to (re)connect with colleagues and fellow alumni!
The inaugural Quantum Energy Initiative (QEI) event, organized by PushQuantum, aims to raise awareness and encourage a collaborative approach to assessing the physical resource costs of quantum technologies.
Register for the AM x Quantum Innovation Day to learn more about the exciting future of additive manufacturing within quantum technologies!
Visit us 29–30 June at the Festival on the Museum Island that is part of the Festival of the Future organized by Deutsches Museum and 1E9.
The Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) is once again hosting a three-day event that brings together the Munich quantum community and international guests from academia and industry.
On 4 May, the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW) is hosting its Open Day. Munich Quantum Valley is part of the colorful program.
This year, Munich Quantum Valley is once again taking part in Girls' Day and, together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronics and Solid State Technology (EMFT), is giving a group of girls the opportunity to get to know careers in the field of quantum technologies.
With the support of MQV, the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW) is organizing a symposium on "Quantum technologies. Expectations of an important future technology".
MQV is partnering up with the Cluster Nanotechnology to get you up to speed in the latest in quantum sensing: from nanotechnology, to patenting and commercialization.
MQV welcomes its Scientific Advisory Board for its second annual review.
Together with the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) we will be present at this year's International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC23) in Denver, CO.
2-day workshop for PhDs and postdocs to transform quantum research into commercial applications.
We will be part of the Quantum Effects at Messe Stuttgart in October 2023.
MQV members at Technical University of Munich organize this event, aiming to connect the "who’s who" in quantum computing software to their end-users.
On 3 October, the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) and Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) are organizing a joint open day and "Maustag" with exciting activities and events for young and old.
To kick off our MQV Review Meeting in Eichstätt this year, Prof. Rudolf Gross will give a public evening lecture at Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt on 25 September 2023. The talk will also be streamed live on our YouTube channel.
Members of Munich Quantum Valley are co-organizing the third International Workshop on Integrating High-Performance and Quantum Computing (WIHPQC 2023) at IEEE Quantum Week in Bellevue, Washington, USA.
Students from Israel and Germany are attending the second of two one-week academies about quantum technologies in Tel-Aviv and Munich.
Together with IQM Quantum Computers and TU Munich we organize the SQA Conference 2023 in Munich.
Members of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and the University of Stuttgart are jointly organizing the workshop "Applications of Ultracold Rydberg Gases" with support from the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.
Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) will bring together renowned experts from industry and academic research to discuss possible applications of quantum computing.
We will be part of the Festival of the Future at Deutsches Museum in July!
Have you ever wondered how your research could advance society? Now is your time to find out!
The Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) is once again hosting a three-day event that brings together the Munich quantum community and international guests from academia and industry.
Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zürich), Distinguished Lecturer of MCQST, will be holding a public talk on 12 June in Munich. This public lecture is intended for anyone who is curious about quantum science - even absolute beginners!
Prof. Steffen Glaser and his group will be part of the event at Deutsches Museum to inform visitors about the basic principles, possible applications and the current state of research in quantum technologies.
Munich Quantum Valley (MQV), University of the Bundeswehr Munich (UniBW) and Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU) will bring together researchers and cyber security representatives to discuss cyber risks and cyber defense in the age of quantum computers.
This year, Munich Quantum Valley is once again taking part in Girls'Day.
Students from Israel and Germany are attending two one-week academies about quantum technologies in Tel-Aviv and Munich.
Co-organised by MQV members at FAU and MPL in Erlangen, this Quromorphic workshop aims to bring together specialists on all of the various aspects of neuromorphic quantum computing.
MQV welcomes its Scientific Advisory Board for its first annual review.
Munich Quantum Valley hosts the first French-Bavarian Dialogue on Quantum Computing.
Together with the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) we will be present at this year's International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC22) in Dallas, TX.
MQV member Prof. Dr. Michael Hartmann from the Chair of Theoretical Physics at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg gives an insight into the current state of development of quantum computers and sheds light on the question if and when quantum computing can contribute to sustainable development.
From 20 to 21 September 2022 the "Quantum.Tech" takes place in London. Munich Quantum Valley takes part with a booth.
We will be part of the Festival der Zukunft at Deutsches Museum end of July.
The Munich Conference on Quantum Science and Technology 2022 brings together the Munich quantum community with international invited guests in academia and industry for three days of talks and a poster session. Join hundreds of guests from around the world in the beautiful Bavarian Alps from 4–6 July 2022 to exchange ideas, learn about innovative research, and discuss the latest advancements in all fields of quantum science and technology.
Munich Quantum Valley hosts a symposium which aims to bring together researchers and industry representatives from Europe and the United States to discuss the state of the art in quantum chemistry algorithms and to provide a critical overview of their potential applications on quantum computers.
From May 30 to June 3, a delegation of 10 of Canada’s top quantum firms are visiting Germany to develop R&D partnerships. The Embassy of Canada together with the MQV and the MCQST invite you to be a part of the exciting international exchange.
Together with the Embassy of Brazil in Germany and with the support of BAYLAT, MCQST and Munich Quantum Valley are hosting a joint symposium to promote scientific exchange and cooperation between Brazilian and German researchers.
We will be part of the first-ever World of Quantum trade fair at Messe Munich!
Im Rahmen des jährlichen Wettbewerbs in theoretischer Physik für internationale Studenten-Teams "PLANCKS 2022" stellt sich das Munich Quantum Valley Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen vor.
Munich Quantum Valley is invited to take part in a meeting to discuss further international and cross-border collaboration in quantum research and innovation between Bavaria, Denmark and Israel.
This year, Munich Quantum Valley is taking part in Girls' Day for the first time.
The student laboratory "Photonlab" at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) celebrates its tenth birthday in July. On the occasion of this first big anniversary and the success story of the past years, a special program is planned: On July 16 and 23, there will be a special teacher training session each day (registration information later); on July 23, there will also be an anniversary event for the general public with expert talks by Prof. Ferenc Krausz and Prof. Gerhard Rempe – both scientific directors at MPQ – as well as exciting workshops. Both events will take place online.
What is the potential of quantum? Immanuel Bloch (MPQ&LMU), Stefan Filipp (Walther Meissner Institute) and Sebastian Luber (Infineon) will discuss on with Jeanne Rubner (BR) – on site and streamed live on
Second quantum revolution in Bavaria – the Munich Quantum Valley kick-off event. Live on YouTube.