Arnold Sommerfeld School on "Quantum Computing – Status and Prospects"

MQV members are co-organizing this year's summer school on on "Quantum Computing – Status and Prospects" of the Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics at LMU Munich, 6–10 October 2025.

This year's school on "Quantum Computing – Status and Prospects", organized by Michael Haack as well as MQV members Ignacio Cirac and Johannes Zeiher, takes place in Munich 6–10 October 2025.

The school is primarily aimed at PhD students and advanced Masters students, but more senior researchers are also very welcome to apply. It will provide an overview of the state and perspectives of quantum computing, including both introductory and advanced topics, covering both theoretical and experimental aspects. Topics include: quantum algorithms, quantum complexity, quantum error correction, quantum information, quantum networks, quantum simulations, applications to quantum chemistry, topological quantum computing, and the following experimental platforms: atoms, photons, superconducting qubits, and trapped ions.

More information on speakers, event details and application can be found at