
ERC Consolidator Grants for Michael Knap and Andreas Reiserer

MQV members Michael Knap and Andreas Reiserer, both professors at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), have been awarded the prestigious Consolidator Grants of the European Research Council (ERC).

Max Planck Semiconductor Laboratory opens new building in Garching

On 7 October, a new building of the Max Planck Society's Semiconductor Laboratory (HLL) was opened on the Garching research campus. The state-of-the-art infrastructure plays a central role in the new cooperation between the HLL, the Technical University of Munich and the Walther Meißner Institute for the joint development of superconducting quantum bits, which was agreed as part of Munich Quantum Valley.

Quantum sensor technology for cancer monitoring wins Medical Valley Award

As part of the 'Munich Quantum Valley' Lighthouse Project IQ-Sense, researchers at the Technical University of Munich have developed a new method for the optical detection of MRI signals using diamond-based quantum sensors. In collaboration with the Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, the researchers now want to make their method applicable for clinical use in the field of cancer monitoring, for which they have received the Medical Valley Award.


BMW supports new TUM endowed chair with 5.1 million euros

The BMW Group will support future research on quantum computers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The contract establishing the endowed chair for Quantum Algorithms and Applications ("Quantenalgorithmen und -anwendungen") was signed by TUM president Thomas F. Hofmann, BMW AG Board of Management member Frank Weber and BMW AG CIO Alexander Buresch.