
Developed 10 years ago, in use today: Software for quantum computers receives award

Quantum computers are increasingly becoming a reality. However, special software is required to ensure that they can be used smoothly. The basis of such software, developed 10 years ago, has now been honoured with a ‘10-year Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award’.

Symposium "Towards applications of quantum computing": networking science and industry

On 11 and 12 November, the symposium "Towards applications of quantum computing" took place. The event was organized by Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS, supported by Bayern Innovativ and QUTAC. The symposium brought together representatives from industry and science working on quantum computing applications with hardware and software developers.

Munich Quantum Software Forum 2024

On 24 and 25 October 2024, the Munich Quantum Software Forum took place for the second time. Organized by the Chair of Design Automation at the Technical University of Munich, the event brings together the "who's who" of quantum computing software. Once again, the extremely high attendance shows the great interest of the community.