Munich Quantum Valley at the Bavarian State Representation in Berlin

Under the motto "Impulses from Bavaria", the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts invited guests to the Bavarian State Representation in Berlin to present the Hightech Agenda Bavaria. Munich Quantum Valley supported the evening with a booth.


The future technology of quantum computing is one of the key technologies being promoted by Munich Quantum Valley as part of the Hightech Agenda Bavaria. The intensive support, from basic research to the industrialization of the technology, was the topic of the impulse talk by Minister of State Markus Blume at the Bavarian State Representation in Berlin. Following a presentation by Nobel Prize winner Ferenc Krausz, Markus Blume, Ferenc Krausz, the President of the Federation of German Industries Sigfried Russwurm and the CSU's spokesperson for innovation, education and research in the Bundestag Katrin Staffler discussed innovation, high tech and progress in Germany – and what the federal government could possibly learn from Bavaria in this regard.

At the Munich Quantum Valley booth, which was part of the event's supporting program, visitors were able to find out more about quantum computing and Bavaria as an established center for research and development in the field of quantum technologies. The quantum eraser experiment and other exhibits gave interested visitors an initial insight into quantum-mechanical effects. After the theoretical introduction to the world of qubits, quantum chips with clearly recognizable superconducting quantum circuits on display provided a vivid example of the technology.

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