MQV at the Bavarian Evening of the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

On 4 July 2024, the traditional Bavarian Evening took place as part of the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. This year, the conference focused on quantum physics and quantum technologies. Munich Quantum Valley contributed to the program of the Bavarian Evening with a booth and QuantenSchafkopf.


On the forecourt of the Inselhalle on the old town island of Lindau on Lake Constance, alphorns are playing to welcome the guests and the “Goißler” performing a traditional Bavarian custom are getting everyone in the mood for the evening. Meanwhile, in the foyer, the first visitors crowd around the Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) booth and the first rounds of QuantenSchafkopf are played. The international audience can also be recognized by their evening attire. Bavarian costumes mingle with saris and Japanese kimonos.

Young scientists from around the world

The annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting brings together young scientists and Nobel Laureates from all over the world, thus promoting the direct exchange between young researchers and the great role models of the respective disciplines. In addition to lectures and panel discussions, the conference focuses on informal exchange, for example during science walks or evening events such as the Bavarian Evening, which traditionally takes place on the penultimate evening of the conference week.

In addition to AI in physics and solutions for energy generation, quantum physics and quantum technologies were the core topics of this year's conference. At the Bavarian Evening, MQV provided exciting insights into the world of quantum computing, showed exhibits from the field of hardware development and demonstrated the entanglement of light particles. The young guests, who came to the conference from various countries – Ireland, Lithuania, Israel, Iran, Egypt, South Korea, Canada or the USA, to name a few – showed great interest. In between the “Schuhplattler”, a traditional Bavarian dance, and Bavarian music, there were lively discussions about different hardware approaches and other aspects of quantum computing, as well as questions about the career opportunities that the MQV network offers to young researchers.

QuantenSchafkopf celebrates premiere

Another highlight was QuantenSchafkopf which celebrated its premiere that evening in front of a large audience. For QuantenSchafkopf, the traditional Bavarian card game “Schafkopf” was extended by MQV scientists from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg with new rules that take into account quantum physical phenomena such as superposition or entanglement. The initial concern whether it would be possible to familiarize guests from all over the world with the rules of Schafkopf quickly proved to be unfounded. Many of the interested and dedicated young scientists patiently listened to the explanations and quickly picked up the game, so that several rounds of QuantenSchafkopf were played throughout the evening. Prof. Rainer Blatt, former scientific director of Munich Quantum Valley, also joined the players for a game.

The lively interest of the young guests lasted until the very end, so that even after the official end of the event at 22:30, the MQV booth was still visited to discuss interesting questions about quantum computing.