Bringing the collaboration together in Eichstätt

Last week, the Munich Quantum Valley community came together at the Stadttheater Eichstätt for its first internal Review Meeting. A fantastic opportunity to get together scientists and members from all research areas within MQV.

Overview presentations from all MQV research consortia, mixed with dedicated interdisciplinary discussion as well as poster sessions, gave all members the chance to get insights into the status and plans of the work in the other consortia and sparked fruitful new collaborations.

It is the broad expertise of MQV researchers from all areas and levels of MQV's full-stack approach to realizing quantum computing and their continuous interaction and collaboration towards a common goal that makes MQV such a unique entity.
 In that respect the Review Meeting is a unique opportunity to strengthen links between all member institutes and within the collaboration in general.

Thank you very much to everyone that took part and contributed to this meeting and thereby to the scientific cause of MQV. We would also like to thank our external experts from Austria and Sweden for their valuable feedback and helpful suggestions.

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